
Category: Tibetan [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Practicing Peace (Shambhala Pocket Classic) (Shambhala Pocket Classics) 
Edition: Poc Rep 
Year: 2014 
ISBN: 1611801893 
ISBN 13: 9781611801897 
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 2001 
ISBN: 1570624097 
ISBN 13: 9781570624094 
Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion 
Year: 2003 
The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, Vol. 2 
Edition: n Reprint 
Year: 1977 
ISBN: 0877730962 
ISBN 13: 9780877730965 
Life in Relation to Death 
Year: 1987 
ISBN: 0931892244 
Chenrezig, Lord of Love: Principles and Methods of Deity Meditation 
Edition: 2nd 
Year: 1991 
ISBN: 0963037102 
ISBN 13: 9780963037107 
Mahayana Purification: The Confession Sutra 
Year: 1980 
Portrait of a Dalai Lama: The Life and Times of the Great Thirteenth 
Year: 1987 
ISBN: 086171055X 
ISBN 13: 9780861710553 
In Exile From The Land of Snows 
Edition: 1st Vintage Books ed 
Year: 1985 
ISBN: 0394740718 
ISBN 13: 9780394740713 
The Opening of the Lotus: Developing Clarity and Kindness (Wisdom Basic Book) 
Year: 1987 
ISBN: 0861710495 
ISBN 13: 9780861710492